Pursuant to the outlined schedule in the 2023/2024 Academic Calendar, it is my directive to officially inform all recently admitted students for the 2023/2024 Academic Session about the upcoming 19th Matriculation Ceremony. The ceremony is slated to take place on Thursday, 14th March 2024.
While the date is confirmed, we are diligently working on finalizing the specific details, including the exact time, venue, and other pertinent information related to the Matriculation Ceremony. Rest assured, these details will be communicated to you well in advance.
Your presence at this significant event is highly encouraged, as it marks the official induction into the academic community of our esteemed institution. We anticipate a momentous occasion and look forward to celebrating this milestone with you.
For any inquiries or further clarifications, please feel free to reach out to the designated offices. Stay tuned for forthcoming announcements, and we appreciate your cooperation as we prepare for this memorable event.